Fififit blog

Being the Outsider

Being the Outsider

There are two types of person- the type that trains and the type that doesn't. The type that love's it and the type that hate's it, The type that gets it, the type that doesn't.
If someone loves training, has dedication, enthusiasm, a desire to better themselves it's hard to be around people who don't have the will to do any of these things. I used to feel like the outsider, I had jokes made at my expense because I priorities my training over a lot of other things and have and will turn down invitations to events because I am training or have a firm training plan for the next morning. I turn down doughnuts, don't go or take my children to fast food restaurants-not even as a 'treat.' Don't quench my thirst with a fizzy drink and I eat clean.
It got me thinking about how many people want to stop doing these things, change their lives but the peer pressure is too great? If they take the leap & quit smoking who would they hang out with at lunch time? How would their lives change? Would the kids be upset that Friday night's is no longer take out night, Would they lose their friends? Being an outsider isn't fun, Peer pressure even as an adult is a hard thing to cope with and most people don't want to stand out from the crowd, it's human nature.

But where do you start when you actually do want to make that change but still want to maintain your current life.
Making small changes can go unnoticed by others but make a drastic difference to your life and your self belief. Start small & do one thing a week that you know will change your life for the better. Give up that lunch time can of fizz, take the stairs, refuse that doughnut. These things will then become normal, part of you. The next week make another change, whilst maintaining the previous weeks change. These things that felt like and seemed a big deal at the beginning will stop appearing that way after a while and slowly you will gain control, become empowered and the larger things that you would like to achieve- running for the first time since childhood, changing your body shape, training for an event will seem more achievable
Life is an event-start somewhere.

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