
Hi my name is Karen O'Donoghue and I am passionate about health and fitness. I enjoy all areas of fitness- Swimming, Running, Bike Riding, Weight training, Kettle Bell training , Triathlon...... the list is endless. I enjoy the sense of achievement I get from exercise and freedom it gives me. Read more


Life is an event. Whatever your fitness goal is I can help you achieve the best results. Wedding -Everyone wants to look their best on their wedding day. I will give nutritional advice and a training plan to give you... Read more


Movers and Shakers

20 June, 2023

A client who has had a career in the medical world recommended a podcast to me recently. It's premise is a group of people who have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease get together and talk about their experiences. Some are...

The Pleasure Trap

28 December, 2022

Well that's Christmas done then....onto a new year. Alot of people make a new years resolution but do they really work? I am sure for some people they do but I am not so sure that if you want to...


1 June, 2020

What weird times for everyone around the world. Regardless of where you live, job, wealth, it would have effected you.I know people who love it and I also know people who are really struggling to cope with the lack of...