Fififit blog

The Pleasure Trap

Well that's Christmas done then....onto a new year. Alot of people make a new years resolution but do they really work? I am sure for some people they do but I am not so sure that if you want to change something in your life you need to wait for a start time or defined date to do it? If you look at your life and you aren't happy with something why cant you change

If you think you need support making a change then talk to a friend who you think is going through the same because a training buddy often gives accountability or enlist someone like me for help. If you don't know where to start then start with one thing. Humans are a pickle really because they gravitate towards things that give a short term feel good, which is easier than working on the long term. The book ' The Pleasure Trap' by Douglas J. Lisle and Alan Goldhamer is a brilliant read. It helps with the understanding of how addiction happens whether it's sugar, fast food, drugs, sex and the relationship humans have with these things. Once you understand this it may be easier to take control.
Don't under estimate the small changes that you make either. It could be a simple as one less biscuit or one more pea. Giving yourself time to think about what you are happy or not happy with will also help. Are you being the best person you can be-for you?
My Dad always says 'Rome wasn't built in a day'

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