A client who has had a career in the medical world recommended a podcast to me recently. It's premise is a group of people who have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease get together and talk about their experiences.
Some are famous names, others are not but all people are very open about how their lives have changed since being diagnosed. I listened to the one on exercise and I think that it gave me a massive boost to reiterate to me that what I do for a job is so important and life changing.
Most of the participants have realised that exercise is so high on their priority list since diagnosis, just to keep being able to do their normal activities. One person see's his PT 5 times a week!
One guest recounted how he has gone to work on his bike but had forgotten his medication. He was due to see his PT but was worried that he wouldn't be able to cycle home because he was shaking. The PT was able to guide him through exercises that enabled his body to counteract the shaking long enough to get on his bike and cycle home! What an amazing story!! The healing properties of exercise is still unknown in it's entirety.
There are more conclusive studies on the benefits of exercise on Parkinson's disease than on some of the most prescribed drugs!
The body is an amazing tool and I feel very fortunate to be involved in this industry.
Movers and Shakers is available on Spotify.
Life is an event-Don't wait until life becomes hard to make your life better!