Well it's been quite some time since I last posted a blog. Busy, family, life......got a dog! So in honour of Mabel I will write this blog about her.
She is a six month old Jack Russell who needs a lot of exercise! Perfect for our family because we can't sit still. It's mine and the children's first dog so it has been a learning curve. The thing that stands out as the major bonus of having a dog is the walking. Rain, wind, cold, sun.....walkies it is. No excuses, she needs walking. From a fitness point of view I consider myself fit but it has made me realise I don't do the basic thing of walking enough. We are lucky to live near a forest where we can disappear for hours at a time and see no one. The kids love it, running around after her. She loves it and so do we because we actually spend family time together doing something active. Yes we ride, swim or run together but those activities rarely lead to an in depth conversation.
Now you don't have to have a dog to go walking. I am sure most people under estimate walking and the benefits, mentally and physically. Weight loss thus reducing the risk of major illness, improvement of cardio vascular health so everyday life if easier, vitamin D and the most immediate thing of all a change of scenery, taking time to look around and just be in the moment.
Go for a walk.......life is an event.